Active Counseling Centers:
- Head office: Nurse Blvd, in front of Imam Reza Hospital , Boostan Boys Dormitory - Boostan Cultural Complex
- School of Medicine: Daneshgah Street - Zip Code 6714869914,All the days of week from 8:00 Am to 3:00 Pm.
- Faculty of Pharmacy: Daneshgah Street, Kermanshah, Iran
Postal Code: 6734667149 Saturday, Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 Am to 3:00 Pm
- Faculty of Dentistry: Dr. Shariati St. - above Shura St. - in front of the post office
Postal code: 6713954658 Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 8:00 Am to 3:00 Pm
- Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery: Ashayer St., Isar Sq., across from Farabi Education and Treatment Center Kermanshah, Iran, Postal code: 6719851351 Sunday, Monday and Wednesday from 8 Am to 3 Pm.
- School of Allied Medical Sciences :Kermanshah, Iran, Ashayer St., Isar Sq., opposite Farabi Education and Treatment Center All the days of week from 8:00 Am to 3:00 Pm
- Faculty of Phublic Health: Kermanshah, Iran, Isar Sq., across from Farabi Hospital,Postal code: 6719851351 -Saturday, Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 Am to 3:00 Pm.
- Islamabad Faculty of Medical Sciences
- Songhor Faculty of Medical Sciences
Counseling offices in the student hostels:
- Boostan of boys
- Boostan of girls.
- Ayatollah Taleghani
- Shahid Mofateh
- Shahid Alvani
- Shahid Seyed Hassan Nasrollah