Sleep and learning

 Night sleep eliminates the interference in learning concurrent items


Research conducted at the University of Chicago has proven that when two new experiences are learned at the same time, sleep can play an important role in the brain's ability to enhance the learning of the two.

According to the research service of the Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) in the Khorasan region, a new study that examined the ability of "Sar" to recognize new songs showed that learning the second song can affect the performance of the first song; But it also found that a good night's sleep helps the brain retain both information.


Starlings are an excellent model for studying memory because there are fundamental biological similarities between birds and mammals. These observations also indicated that sleep enhances and enhances the retention of concurrent experiences. Researchers tested the effect of sleep on starlings' memory enhancement.


After learning the second songs, the birds were tested again to determine if they had learned the first song, and the researchers found that learning the second song interfered with the first song before they fell asleep.


When the starlings were allowed to sleep, they showed increased performance on both song types, and sleep was shown to enhance their memory and eliminate the negative effects of interference. When they learned the song after waking up, these birds were able to remember what they had learned the previous day.


This research proved well that sleep improves performance and strengthens learning against interference.